Friday, July 9, 2010

Smooth Day

It's been a much better day today.
Last night the kids and I watched "Wipe Out" with Rick and Jenn and laughed our butts off. Great family show!

The day went smooth and peaceful. That's how it always is here at my place.
My kids had an awesome night. No night lights.

They also had a good day. We went to the DMV to get my license renewed and after a couple of errands we went home. We've had quite a bit of prayer time and G-d has covered us in His peace and amazing love. We feel blessed.

It's time to realize that some things will not change, so it's time to move on. What hurts us cannot be a part of us. To each their own.
New beginnings.
G-d talked to me about new beginnings and about the authority to make decisions...

Moving on.
New beginnings it is, and He has given me His authority to do whatever it takes to keep us close to His presence.