Monday, October 4, 2010

William Tyndale on Obedience

I happen to be a big fan of William Tyndale. This guy paid the ultimate price to ensure that G-d's word was translated into Modern English. If any of you out there are able to read your Bibles, it is mainly because of this man.

In 1528 he wrote the following regarding The Obedience of a Christian Man:

" Christ is with us until the world’s end. Let his little flock be bold therefore.
For if God be on our side, what matter maketh it who be against us, be they bishops, cardinals, popes, or whatsoever names they will?

Mark this also, if God send thee to the sea, and promise to go with thee, and to bring thee safe to land, he will raise up a tempest against thee, to prove whether thou wilt abide by his word, and that thou mayest feel thy faith, and perceive his goodness. For if it were always fair weather, and thou never brought into such jeopardy, whence his mercy only delivered thee, thy faith should be but a presumption, and thou shouldest be ever unthankful to God and merciless unto thy neighbor.
If God promise riches, the way thereto is poverty. Whom he loveth, him he chasteneth: whom he exalteth, he casteth, down: whom he saveth, he damneth first. He bringeth no man to heaven, except he send him to hell first. If he promise life, he slayeth first: when he buildeth, he casteth all down first. He is no patcher; he cannot build on another man’s foundation.
He will not work until all be past remedy, and brought unto such a case, that men may see, how that his hand, his power, his mercy, his goodness and truth, hath wrought altogether. He will let no man be partaker with him of his praise and glory. His works are wonderful, and contrary unto man’s works."


Powerful,isn't it? One has to be as bold as he was, and as passionate about G-d's word as he was, in order to understand it with such depth. He was straight forward and to the point, and I can't help but wonder if deep in his spirit he knew the changes that would take place in our world. Wow. This is intense.
When I look at all that I have been through and then see the growth that came from it, I am simply amazed. Tyndale was right in saying that G-d cannot build on another man's foundation. He has to break us first. He has to bring us down from our pedestal and from that place where we think we are all sufficient. He let's us know how dumb we really are, before he makes us wise. He teaches us about perseverance through trials to let us know that we can overcome. He takes away our wealth at times so that we can learn to live by faith. He allows illness to strike so that we forget about vanities that don't matter and begin to heal from the inside out.
When it comes to wealth, preachers out there continue to teach about prosperity the wrong way. They keep saying that G-d wants you to be rich... but they forget one thing. You must learn first how to be poor and survive with just enough, or even less, in order for G-d to be able to trust you with more.

This makes soooooo much sense to me. Does it to you?

Most importantly, G-d wants you to give Him ALL glory. Not a bit here and there, but ALL, for without Him we merely exist.
Job did it. Abraham pulled through it and so did Joseph! Yeshua, His own son, glorified His father with His sacrifice for us and He went through the most unimaginable pain ever known to man!

We need to be as genuine as those who were willing to die for the cause of Yeshua.
How many pastors out there are willing to let G-d break their foundation so that G-d can build His in their lives? How many of us are willing to do the same?
When G-d breaks you, it's only to restore you. To make you new.
It hurts. Trust me... I know it hurts.
But I can simply tell you that it will happen as many times as it needs to happen until you finally understand that you are one with your creator and that without Him you are merely unfinished clay.
The minute you crack or decide to add something to your design that was not part of G-d's plan, you will break. Trust me.

You only have two choices.

You either stay broken, or you let Him start over... and from start to finish it will be the biggest challenge EVER, but well worth it.

What have you decided?

Seriously wished there was a time machine somewhere. I would've loved to have seen this man preaching!

Hugs and love,