Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Provision (Part 2)

G-d HAS provided.


Let me just say that my previous encounter with G-d did not end at the Home Depot parking lot. That afternoon G-d kept speaking to me and loving me throughout my stress, and well, here is the story.

As I drove home after that very special moment when G-d reassured me that He would provide, I felt peace, but I was still somehow exhausted from the struggle. G-d knew that, so in His infinite mercy He continued to speak to me and love me.

I picked up my kids a bit later than the usual and my daughter told me that we really should go to service. I was tired, but I knew we had to go.
During Friday service the pastor began to speak about how we as believers need to keep our focus on G-d regardless of our circumstances.
One by one, several members began to testify about the amazing way in which G-d had provided for each of their needs.

I was sooooooo glad to be there and I felt so encouraged by each testimony.

Then, it was time for some interactive fun. We were divided into teams and to make a long story short, at some point we had to try distract someone who was trying to count crayons. We did everything possible to make him lose count, but the more we pestered him, the louder he counted his crayons. He did not lose focus AT ALL!

Bottom line, we all learned that the enemy will try to distract us, but that we cannot lose focus. We must "keep counting our crayons" regardless of our circumstances.
G-d has got us in the palm of His hand.

That however is not the best part of my story.

The best part is that G-d had been preparing my heart for something very special that would happen on our way home that night!
On the way home from service I heard my son Ricardo sobbing in the back seat so I worried that something was wrong with him. Claudia asked him if his stomach hurt but he continued sobbing so hard, that I seriously thought of pulling over to see what was wrong.

Then out of his mouth came the most amazing words...

"Mom, I am trembling before the presence of G-d!!!"

I was rather shocked, but it didn't stop there! I will do my best with Claudia's help to remember as much as I can and quote it here.

"I love you G-d! I love you! I love You soooo much! You are my father! You are my King! You are my everything!!!
Thank You for Your provision! Thank You for a roof over our heads! Thank you for the food on our table! Thank You for living in my heart! Thank you for being a G-d of second chances! Thank You for your forgiveness! Thank You Abba! Thank YOU my KING!!! THANK YOU for welcoming us into Your kingdom! Thank you for saving us! THANK YOU for PROVIDING for US! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH! I tremble before Your presence Father!"

This went on for over 30 minutes. I simply sat there driving and crying. It was as if fire was coming from the back seat! I had the a/c full blast, but my entire body was burning up! I could barely see Claudia through the rear view mirror, but whenever the light was right, I could see the tears just flowing down her cheeks.
We were both quiet, stunned, as Ricardo literally sobbed and yelled out this gratitude prayer at the top of his lungs. Not once did he ask for anything. This entire prayer was a prayer of worship, love and gratitude.

The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) was so strong that he was simply unable to stop.
G-d used my son to remind me to of how much we must express our love and gratitude to our L-rd and King, because HE CARES FOR US!

It took me exactly 30 minutes to get home and at some point I figured that perhaps I might have to continue driving until it was over, because if I got home with him like this, he would wake up all of Marion Lakes!
As soon as we got home, we sat in the car quietly as Ricardo finished praying and crying.
When he opened his eyes (since they were closed the entire time) he had the biggest smile and he told me how G-d had gotten into his "soul" and told him how to pray.
Then he said, "Mommy, this was the best birthday gift EVER! G-d gave me the gift of having Him inside my heart and I am so happy!"

I wept.
I held him.
I held Claudia.
I was happy too. My son had just been baptized in the Holy Spirit and He knew it was a gift!

Ricardo turned 8 this past Sunday, and he got lots of cool presents. Dinosaur books, dinosaur dig experiments, dinosaur arts and crafts... but G-d gave him a gift that will never go away.

I praise You Abba!

I praise You for loving us like only you can!

Amen. Hallelujah.

This week G-d provided just as He had promised. G-d took care of us just as He told us He would.
I am in love with my Savior!

I am DEEPLY in love with my King.

Thank You Abba!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!