Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Prayer Time with Pastor Danny and Sharlene

This morning I woke up very early (4 a.m.)and met Pastor Danny and Sharlene at BLCC for prayer. It felt so good to be able to share with them what was stirring in my heart, and for the three of us to agree in prayer and place it before the L-rd.

One of the things we did talk about involved the end times, and they will be doing a Bible study (I think tomorrow night) about how to interpret the times. He'll go more into detail pertaining Chronos, Kairos and Hora.
We started that class last week, but focused more on interpreting Yeshua's love... whether it was phileo or agape.
I'm not sure if I am saying this right, but I want to "agape" Yeshua... and not just "phileo" Him.
Huge difference.
Because I am so thirsty for G-d's Word and I am desperate to get the right information, sometimes I can't wait and I start asking around.
Turns out that the AG movement mostly believes in a "pre-trib" but Danny and Shar explained to me that when they went to college (they are AG) they were taught about all three possibilities and were allowed to come to that conclusion on their own. So they were not forced to believe in one particular possibility. Based on what they learned they told me that although they initially believed in a "pre-trib", through their studies they ended up concluding that Yeshua's return would happen before these things take place.

I welcome the knowledge... but something deep in my heart still tells me that believers EVERYWHERE will experience persecution right before Yeshua comes back. I'm willing to learn, though, because maybe I'm wrong.
Then again, I received a text this morning that made something very clear to me.

The time of Yeshua's return and the times of tribulation are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that we must all be ready as if we were the last generation before Yeshua's return. So whether we go through it all or not, we simply must be ready.

So want to learn! My heart aches for knowledge and although I've received a lot of that lately, there is so much that I want to know.
The Messianic perspective is, in my opinion, very good... but it lacks something.
In the same way, the Christian perspective is good but it lacks as well, so in trying to seek balance, I had to seriously have a talk with Shar and Danny.

I left there with lots of peace in my heart remembering so much what G-d had told me about having the authority to make decisions and the warning He had given me at the retreat regarding someone who would come to me with lies. When one takes the time to seek G-d's face, He takes the time to warn and protect His people. I thank the L-rd so much for that.

One thing that I have learned is that whenever peace overflows it is because G-d has truly spoken to one's heart.